Letter U
Packages beginning with letter "U".
- ucs-miscfixed-fonts - Selected set of bitmap fonts
- udftools - Linux UDF Filesystem userspace utilities
- udisks2 - Disk Manager
- unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
- unbound-devel - Development package that includes the unbound header files
- unbound-libs - Libraries used by the unbound server and client applications
- unbound-python - Python modules and extensions for unbound
- unicode-ucd - Unicode Character Database
- unique3 - Single instance support for applications
- unique3-devel - Libraries and headers for unique3
- unique3-docs - Documentation for unique3
- units - A utility for converting amounts from one unit to another
- unixODBC - A complete ODBC driver manager for Linux
- unixODBC-devel - Development files for programs which will use the unixODBC library
- unoconv - Tool to convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice
- unzip - A utility for unpacking zip files
- upower - Power Management Service
- upower-devel - Headers and libraries for UPower
- upower-devel-docs - Developer documentation for for libupower-glib
- uriparser - URI parsing library - RFC 3986
- uriparser-devel - Development files for uriparser
- urlview - URL extractor/launcher
- urw-fonts - Free versions of the 35 standard PostScript fonts.
- usb_modeswitch - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usb_modeswitch-data - USB Modeswitch gets mobile broadband cards in operational mode
- usbmuxd - Daemon for communicating with Apple's iOS devices
- usbmuxd-devel - Development package for usbmuxd
- usbredir - USB network redirection protocol libraries
- usbredir-devel - Development files for usbredir
- usbredir-server - Simple USB host TCP server
- usbutils - Linux USB utilities
- usermode - Tools for certain user account management tasks
- usermode-gtk - Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks
- userspace-rcu - RCU (read-copy-update) implementation in user space
- userspace-rcu-devel - Development files for userspace-rcu
- usnic-tools - Simple utilities to test Cisco Virtual NIC operability
- ustr - String library, very low memory overhead, simple to import
- ustr-debug - Development files for ustr, with debugging options turned on
- ustr-debug-static - Static development files for ustr, with debugging options turned on
- ustr-devel - Development files for ustr
- ustr-static - Static development files for ustr
- util-linux - A collection of basic system utilities
- uuid - Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-c++ - C++ support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-c++-devel - C++ development support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-dce - DCE support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-dce-devel - DCE development support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-devel - Development support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-perl - Perl support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuid-php - PHP support for Universally Unique Identifier library
- uuidd - Helper daemon to guarantee uniqueness of time-based UUIDs