#!/bin/sh # test we are root if [ "$USER" != "root" ] ; then echo "Run as root please, exiting." exit 1 fi CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe " CXXFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti " echo $CFLAGS && echo $CXXFLAGS P=arandr V=0.1.11 SRC=$P-$V USER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser` LIST="compiletc squashfs-tools wget python3.6 python3.6-docutils py3.6cairo-dev gettext " for Z in $LIST do su -c "tce-load -i $Z" $USER done # list may be larger than loaded cd /usr/local/lib rm -rf *.la rm -rf gcc/i486-pc-linux-gnu/12.2.0/plugin/libcp1plugin.la rm -rf gcc/i486-pc-linux-gnu/12.2.0/plugin/libcc1plugin.la rm -rf gcc/i486-pc-linux-gnu/12.2.0/liblto_plugin.la cd /tmp rm -rf /usr/lib/*.la find / -name *.la su -c "/usr/local/bin/wget -nc --no-check-certificate \ http://christian.amsuess.com/tools/$P/files/$SRC.tar.gz " $USER tar xvf $SRC*gz cd $SRC python3.6 setup.py install --prefix=/usr/local --root=/tmp/$P cd /tmp # locale ######### LOC=usr/local/share/locale mkdir -p $P-locale/$LOC mv $P/$LOC $P-locale/usr/local/share/ # note no locale-man-pages are created so doc not all that useful # no doc ##### rm -rf $P/usr/local/share/man # main ###### DESK=$P/usr/local/share/applications/$P.desktop sed 's|display|preferences-desktop-display|' -i $DESK sed 's|HardwareSettings;|System;Utility;|' -i $DESK echo 'X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/48x48/legacy/preferences-desktop-display.png' >> $DESK mkdir -p $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P echo 'GPL v3' > $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P/COPYING # TCZ them ####### LIST="$P $P-locale" for Z in $LIST do mksquashfs $Z $Z.tcz md5sum $Z.tcz > $Z.tcz.md5.txt cd $Z find usr -not -type d > /tmp/$Z.tcz.list sed 's|usr|/usr|g' -i /tmp/$Z.tcz.list cd /tmp done ls -hal echo 'Title: arandr-locale.tcz Description: locales Version: 0.1.11 Author: chrysn Original-site: http://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/#project Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 76K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: xrandr monitor screen graphics Comments: localed untested by me Change-log: 2023/08/24 v 0.1.11 on 14x Current: 2023/08/24 ' > $P-locale.tcz.info echo 'arandr.tcz' > $P-locale.tcz.dep echo "Title: arandr.tcz Description: Front end to libXrandr Version: 0.1.11 Author: chrysn Original-site: http://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/#project Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 68K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: xrandr monitor screen graphics Comments: python3.6 monitor resolution app Must be on Xorg (2d or 3d). Click Outputs for your active HDMI* DVI* etc -> Resolution -> Choose your preference -> Click the Tick button I am unable to test 2 monitors. If you wish to save new setting -> Click the download icon and choose a filename (example) 1920.sh which is added and creates $HOME/.screenlayout/1920.sh after you press the save button or press enter To automate it -> (change below to your filename please) echo '$HOME/.screenlayout/1920.sh &' > $HOME/.X.d/monitor To test without reboot, exit to prompt and run $ startx If unhappy, delete $HOME/.X.d/monitor It is safe to ignore any output of Gdk-CRITICAL...gdk_atom_intern: assertion Change-log: 2023/08/24 v 0.1.11 on 14x Current: 2023/08/24 " > $P.tcz.info echo 'python3.6.tcz py3.6gobject.tcz gtk3-gir.tcz adwaita-icon-theme.tcz ' > $P.tcz.dep