Title: rsyslog.tcz Description: Syslog server and logging Version: 8.2212.0 Author: Rainer Gerhards , Adiscon GmbH Original-site: http://www.rsyslog.com Copying-policy: GPL 3 Size: 652K Extension_by: andyj Tags: syslog server Comments: syslog server for centralized collection of syslogs from multiple hosts supports multiple output channels such as files and databases based on source and content ---- Change-log: 2017/07/01 First version, 8.28.0, compiled for TC 8.x 2017/10/30 updated to version 8.30.0 2017/12/02 updated to version 8.31.0 2018/04/11 updated to version 8.34.0, compiled for TC 9.x 2018/08/17 updated to version 8.37.0 2018/09/23 updated to version 8.38.0 2018/11/11 updated to version 8.39.0 2019/01/21 updated to version 8.40.0, recompiled for TC 10.x 2019/02/09 updated to version 8.1901.0 2019/03/07 updated to version 8.1903.0 2019/05/05 updated to version 8.1904.0 2019/07/06 updated to version 8.1905.0, recompiled with openssl-1.1.1 2019/10/19 updated to version 8.1908.0 2020/02/06 updated to version 8.2001.0, recompiled for TC 11.x 2020/04/15 updated to version 8.2002.0 2020/04/15 updated to version 8.2006.0 2020/11/06 updated to version 8.2010.0 2021/01/23 updated to version 8.2012.0, compiled for TC 12.x Current: 2023/04/06 updated to version 8.2212.0, compiled for TC 14.x