Title: open-vm-tools-desktop.tcz Description: GUI utilities for VMware hosted virtual machine clients Version: (build-21223074) Author: VMware Original-site: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools Copying-policy: GPL 2, LGPL 2.1 Size: 136K Extension_by: andyj Tags: vmware client utilities virtual machine Comments: GUI utilities for virtual machine clients using VMware Workstation Pro (full functionality): copy/paste, time sync, host folders, window resizing, full-screen multi-monitor, mouse auto grab/ungrab, hot-plug devices (USB), sound, suspend/power-down Player (limited functionality): time sync, host folders, window resizing, mouse auto grab/ungrab, hot-plug devices (USB), sound, suspend/power-down See also https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2073803 ---- Download and install in console before reboot; do not install while in X. Either: 1) Verify ~/.xsession has line to execute scripts in /usr/local/etc/X.d or: 2) Add to ~/.xsession after mouse-config to enable copy/paste, mouse grab/ungrab, and desktop resizing: [ $(which vmware-checkvm) ] && [ vmware-checkvm ] && vmware-user & Move wbar to upper left vertical because wbar doesn't know when the desktop is resized. Aterm text does not render correctly, use lxterminal or rxvt instead. ---- Change-log: 2016/02/19 First version, 10.0.0, compiled for TC 7.x 2016/04/06 updated to version 10.0.7 2016/11/27 updated to version 10.1.0 2017/01/05 updated to version 10.1.0+git compiled for 32-bit 2017/07/01 updated to version 10.1.5, recompiled for TC 8.x 2018/01/06 updated to version 10.2.0 2018/04/11 updated to version 10.2.5, compiled for TC 9.x 2018/08/17 updated to version 10.3.0 2018/11/11 updated to version 10.3.5 2019/01/21 recompiled for TC 10.x 2019/02/09 removed dependence on ICU, updated power commands 2019/04/05 updated to version 10.3.10 2019/07/06 shared folder changes, recompiled with openssl-1.1.1 2019/10/22 upgraded to version 11.0.1 2020/02/06 updated to version 11.0.5, recompiled for TC 11.x 2020/06/13 updated to version 11.1.0 2020/09/11 updated to version 11.1.5 2020/11/06 updated to version 11.2.0 2021/01/23 updated to version 11.2.5, recompiled for TC 12.x Current: 2023/04/06 updated to version 12.2.0, recompiled for TC 14.x