Title: xz.tcz Description: Data compression library and CLI tool Version: 5.2.2 Author: Various Original-site: http://tukaani.org/xz/ Copying-policy: Various, see details in xz-doc.tcz Size: 52KB Extension_by: bmarkus Tags: compression cli Comments: Binaries only ---- Compiled for 5.x x86_64 Change-log: 2013/06/01 First version, 5.0.4 2013/07/01 Updated to 5.0.5 (juanito) 2014/09/22 recompiled on tc-6.x (juanito) 2015/10/31 updated 5.0.5 -> 5.2.1 (juanito) Current: 2016/10/17 updated 5.2.1 -> 5.2.2 (juanito)