Title: wpa_supplicant-dbus.tcz Description: WPA Supplicant with dbus support. Version: 2.6 Author: Jouni Malinen Original-site: http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 384KB Extension_by: Arslan S., jlslegalize@gmail.com Tags: wifi wpa ieee 802.1x dbus Comments: This extension conflicts with wpa_supplicant.tcz Change-log: 2010/07/05 First Version 0.6.10 2010/11/18 Updated to 0.7.3 2011/10/08 Rebuilt for TCL 4.x 2014/01/18 rebuilt for tc5 2017/04/09 updated 2.0 -> 2.6, patched snr to favour higher throughput (juanito) Current: 2017/12/18 patched for security flaw (juanito)