Title: libcdio.tcz Description: GNU Compact Disc Input and Control Library Version: git0.94 2015/09/04 Author: Rocky Bernstein, Herbert Valiero Riedel Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software/libcdio/ Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 188K Extension_by: gordon64 Tags: libcdio Comments: The GNU Compact Disc Input and Control library (libcdio) contains a library for CD-ROM and CD image access A library for working with ISO-9660 filesystems (libiso9660) is included Compiled for x86 6.x Change-log: 2008/08/16 First version 0.80 Jason W 2008/12/09 Rebuilt for i486 and size Jason W 2009/07/10 Updated to 0.81 Jason W Current: 2015/09/01 updated version gitv0.94 gordon64