Title: inxi.tcz (TESTING) Description: info script for console, IRC or forums Version: 1.8.17 Author: Scott Rogers & Harald Hope Original-site: http://inxi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/inxi Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 112K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: inxi system information console IRC forums Comments: Commonly used in IRC or in some forums to provide system specs. inxi -h will show possible switches to use for different outputs Wiki @ http://code.google.com/p/inxi/w/list Suggests extra tcz(s): hddtemp.tcz, file.tcz, iproute2.tcz, lm_sensors.tcz, module-init-tools.tcz, usbutils.tcz. inxi will only output extra info if the relevant files are installed. Running "inxi --recommends" may give clues as to what inxi detects as being installed inxi is a fork of infobash by Michiel de Boer a.k.a. locsmif Maintainer suggests run inxi -99 to set color defaults on first run, or -h to see other options. This extension uses recursive deps This extension is PPI compatible Change-log: 2009/07/21 First Version 2009/08/22 Bumped to 1.1.13 2009/10/12 Bumped to 1.1.14 2009/11/29 Bumped to 1.2.7 2010/01/04 Bumped to 1.2.8 2010/02/15 Bumped to 1.4.4 2010/02/22 Bumped to 1.4.6 2010/04/04 Bumped to 1.4.8 2010/06/22 Bumped to 1.4.10 Current: 2012/09/27 Bumped to 1.8.17