Title: watcher.tcz Description: FLTK cpu/ram/swap/battery meter Version: 1.9 Author: juanito Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 8KB Extension_by: Curaga Tags: FLTK cpu ram swap battery meter Comments: The latest watcher, now available as an extension. - Use the X standard -g option to position watcher where-ever wanted. X counts from top-left, so watcher in top-left corner: watcher -g +0+0 Top-right would be "-0+0", bottom left "+0-0", bottom right "-0-0". - To start watcher on X start, add to .xsession: [ $(which watcher) ] && watcher -g +0-0 -bat BAT0 & - This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: first version Current: 2014/11/30