Title: lilyterm.tcz TESTING Description: UTF8 terminal Version: Author: Lu, Chao-Ming Original-site: http://lilyterm.luna.com.tw/index.html Copying-policy: GPL v3 Size: 104K Extension_by: gordons64 Tags: lilyterm utf8 terminal Comments: This is a gtk3 terminal capable of UTF-8 display. Allows multiple tabs thru keyboard or mouse actions. If you=RH mouse user, RH click inside terminal to get options -> click on usage to get lots of hints -> click on user profile to save or create new profile etc If not in Xorg, to adjust fontname or its size do it by edit of .config/lilyterm/default.conf Compiled for Corepure64 6.x Change-log: 2015/07/30 First version Current: 2015/07/30