Title: nvidia-304.131-cuda-4.2.9-tinycore.tcz Description: NVIDIA x86 Linux CUDA and OpenCL modules Version: 304.131 Author: NVIDIA Original-site: http://www.nvidia.com Copying-policy: Proprietary Size: 23M Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: NVIDIA CUDA and OpenCL modules. Comments: -------------- For supported products as listed here http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/95158/en-us Includes x86 CUDA and OpenCL libraries for GPU-accelerated computing. separated out from main nvidia-304.131-4.2.9-tinycore x86 extension. NOTE: These drivers have not been tested due to lack of suitable hardware Change-log: -------------- 2012/03/23 Rebuilt for tc 4.4 2012/03/23 Rebuilt for tc 4.4 2012/09/26 Updated to 304.51 2014/06/16 Rebuilt for tc-5.x Current: 2016/02/27 Updated to 304.161 for tc-7.x by coreplayer2