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Version: 1.0 Author: Richard Rost Original-site: None Copying-policy: See /usr/local/share/doc/License/grabber-License.txt Size: 12K Extension_by: Rich Tags: screenshot png mouse selection Comments: Start the program from the command line by entering grabber or click on the grabber icon or click the SelectiveScreenshot entry on the desktop menu.. Move the mouse with the left button depressed to draw an outline around the section of the screen to save. The outline will not be included in the saved file. Clicking the left button again clears the outline. Moving the mouse with the right button depressed moves the outline. The readout in the top left corner displays the origin and size of the area that will be saved. Click and drag the readout to move it if it's in your way, or use the v key to toggle whether it's visible or not. There's a setting in the config file for the default location or to disable it. It also has a setting for the font to use. The readout will not be included in the saved file. Keyboard functions X or x Make the outline one pixel larger or smaller Y or y Make the outline one pixel taller or shorter l or r Move the outline one pixel left or right u or d Move the outline one pixel up or down The arrow keys will also move the outline s Save the outlined area to a file. If an outline is not defined, the whole screen is saved. The config file has settings for default path and file name. v Toggle the visibility of the coordinates readout. n Start a new instance of the program. Lets you capture the outline should you wish to. q Ends the program. Configuration settings can be found in /home/$USER/.config/grabber/grabber.conf This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2015/5/14 Original release Current: 2015/7/1 Fixed to work with fluxbox and icewm. Changed save filename format. data/www/7.x/x86/tcz/grabber.tcz.list0000664000000000000620000000032212633031433016377 0ustar rootstaffusr/local/bin/grabber usr/local/etc/grabber.conf usr/local/share/applications/grabber.desktop usr/local/share/doc/License/grabber-License.txt usr/local/share/pixmaps/grabber.png usr/local/tce.installed/grabber data/www/7.x/x86/tcz/grabber.tcz.md5.txt0000664000000000000620000000005612633031433016733 0ustar rootstaff2e217c310c0cb126087ae03e6fed8d7e grabber.tcz data/www/7.x/x86/tcz/grabber.tcz.zsync0000664000000000000620000000033412633034650016601 0ustar rootstaffzsync: 0.6.2 Filename: grabber.tcz MTime: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 14:45:47 +0000 Blocksize: 2048 Length: 12288 Hash-Lengths: 2,2,3 URL: grabber.tcz SHA-1: cf314f389e9a0a213196a77d786b693a48229a71 dr&4qH~xc6/&os