Title: ntfs-3g-dev.tcz Description: Read/write userspace NTFS driver dev files Version: 2011.04.12 Author: Szabolcs Szakacsits Original-site: www.ntfs-3g.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 328K Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Read write userspace NTFS driver dev Comments: Development files for ntfs-3g. This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2008/11/04 First version 2008/12/09 Rebuilt for i486 and size. 2009/03/04 Bumped to version 2009.2.1. 2009/04/04 Bumped to version 2009.4.4 2009/11/25 Bumped to version 2009.11.14 2010/02/32 Bumped to version 2010.1.16 2010/03/06 Bumped to 2010.3.6 2010/05/29 Bumped to 2010.5.16 2010/06/13 Bumped to 2010.05.22 2010/11/27 Bumped to 2010.10.2 Current: 2011/08/01 Bumped to 2011.04.12