Title: linux-kernel-sources-env.tcz Description: Linux kernel full sources build environment Version: 2.2 Author: Linux project Original-site: kernel.org Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 4.0K Extension_by: coreplayer2 Tags: kernel sources Comments: Script to download and prepare full Linux kernel sources for compiling modules, etc. in lieu of kenel headers. Now supporting TC-5.x & TC-6.x x86 & x86_64 architectures No longer kernel specific. Installed: /usr/src/linux-3.x.xx Symlinks: /lib/modules/3.x.xx-tinycore(64)/build /lib/modules/build Deps: Script will download sources and deps for build environment. sources are saved to /tmp which may be saved at your discretion. If saved within reach of the file system, these sources will be used. run as normal from the desktop menu or command line, or you may choose to add this command to your module build script cliorx linux-kernel-sources-env.sh - Change-log: --- 2013/08/06 Original 2013/09/02 Added 2nd script 2013/12/02 many changes, primarily to support kernel-3.8.13 2015/01/14 Added TC-6.x support with compressed Module.symvers Current: 2015/05/25 Added autoconf dep and minor cosmetic changes