Title: firefox-official.tcz Description: Firefox web browser Version: 33.1.1 Author: The Mozilla Community Original-site: http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases Copying-policy: MPL Size: 48M Extension_by: coreplayer2 Tags: web browser mozilla firefox Comments: This is the official "branded" build of Firefox. This extension is significantly larger than it's predecessor (v21) and has been separated by name to preserve the earlier firefox v21.0 extension Change-log: 2014/09/15 First version 32.0 2014/09/15 version 32.0.1 (coreplayer2) 2014/11/22 version 33.1.1 (coreplayer2) Current: 2014/11/28 minor fixes (coreplayer2)