Title: bitlbee-dev.tcz Description: bitlbee IRC to other chat networks gateway Version: 3.4.1 Author: Wilmer van der Gaast and others Original-site: http://get.bitlbee.org/src/bitlbee-3.4.1.tar.gz Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 52K Extension_by: hiro Tags: bitlbee IM im IRC MSN Jabber XMPP AIM ICQ twitter Comments: BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients. XMPP/Jabber (including Google Talk), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM and ICQ, and the Twitter microblogging network (plus all other Twitter API compatible services like identi.ca and status.net). note that you can run bitlbee from inetd or as standalone server. Change-log: 2015/12/13 Current: 2017/04/04