tce-load -i gperf gst-plugins-base-dev gst-plugins-base-gir gtk-3-dev gtk3-gir libsecret-dev libsecret-gir libsoup-dev libsoup-gir libwebp-dev Xorg-7.7-3d-dev ruby sqlite3-dev gudev-lib-dev harfbuzz-icu-dev libxslt-dev cd webkitgtk-2.2.2 sed -i '/generate-gtkdoc --rebase/s:^:# :' CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-static --libexecdir=/usr/local/lib/webkitgtk3 --enable-introspection --disable-geolocation --with-gtk=3.0 --enable-web-audio find . -name Makefile -type f -exec sed -i 's/-O2/ /g' {} \; make real 57m 51.95s Can't exec "/usr/bin/gcc": No such file or directory at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.16.3/IPC/ line 273. sudo make install WebKit was configured with the following options: Build configuration: Enable debugging (slow) : no Compile with debug symbols (slow) : no Enable GCC build optimization : yes Code coverage support : no Optimized memory allocator : yes Accelerated rendering backend : OpenGL (gl, egl, glx) Features: ======= WebKit1 support : yes WebKit2 support : yes Accelerated Compositing : yes Accelerated 2D canvas : no Battery API support : no Gamepad support : no Geolocation support : no HTML5 video element support : yes JIT compilation : auto Opcode stats : no SVG fonts support : yes SVG support : yes Spellcheck support : no Credential storage support : yes Web Audio support : yes WebGL : yes GTK+ configuration: GTK+ version : 3.0 GDK targets : x11 Introspection support : yes Generate documentation : no