Title: gtkmm-2.24.tcz Description: C++ bindings for GTK2 Version: 2.24.4 Author: Murray Cumming, Daneil Elstner, et al Original-site: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gtkmm/2.24/gtkmm-2.24.4.tar.xz Copying-policy: GPLv2.1 Size: 1.7M Extension-by: dentonlt Tags: gtk2 c++ library Comments: ---------- This is the latest stable gtkmm for GTK2. For the GTK3 extension, use gtkmm. This extension is provided to support software that is in transition to gtkmm-3+ (ie: gparted). ---------- Change-log: 2014/01/22 first version for x86_64; v2.24.4, dentonlt Current: 2014/01/22 first version for x86_64; v2.24.4, dentonlt