Title: firefox.tcz Description: Firefox web browser x86_64 Version: 32.0.3 Author: The Mozilla Community Original-site: https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-31.0-SSL&os=linux64&lang=en-US Copying-policy: MPLv2.0 Size: 46M Extension_by: aus9, coreplayer2 Tags: web browser mozilla firefox Comments: This is the official "branded" build of Firefox. This extension is not designed to load with other Mozilla family browsers already loaded. If you elect to have 2 "firefox/mozilla family browsers" downloaded then run one per boot. Change-log: 2009/04/04 First version 3.0.8 2014/08/08 updated to v31 for x86_64 by coreplayer2 Current: 2014/10/11 updated to v32.0.3 for x86_64 by coreplayer2