Title: wpa_gui.tcz Description: wpa_gui - extension made from wpa_supplicant Version: 2.0 Author: Jouni Malinen Original-site: http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 324K Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: Comments: wpa_supplicant tools for Tiny Core Linux GUI Interface: Load wpa_gui.tcz, open ControlPanel => Services and activate wpa_gui, then start wpa_gui application from wbar and configure your wireless network. After setting up your wireless network, choose "File -> Save Configuration" and put etc/wpa_gui.conf to your backup. On next boot, with wpa_gui.tcz loaded it should automatically reconnect to your wireless network (without having the need of starting wpa_gui again), when you put "/usr/local/etc/init.d/wpa_gui start" to your bootlocal.sh. Cmd line usage: $ sudo su $ wpa_passphrase YourSSID YourPassword > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf $ wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B $ udhcpc -b -i wlan0 -h box -p /var/run/udhcpc.wlan0.pid Information: Being connected to ethernet _and_ wireless with two DHCP client processes can lead to problems like slow connections. As a solution setup a static IP address on one of the devices. IMPORTANT: You will most probably need firmware*.tcz extensions to use your wireless device! Since there are lot of them like firmware-atheros, firmware, firmware-iwlwifi, please check which vendor firmware belongs to your device. --- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2008/12/01 Initial version 0.5.11 by dmoerner 2009/08/08 Bump to 0.6.9 by Juanito, fixed corrupted tcz by ^thehatsrule^ 2011/06/17 Bump to 0.7.3 2011/06/28 Removed startup script 2011/12/05 Recompiled against openssl 1.0.0 and recompiled wpa_gui 2011/12/07 Added init script to ease the use of wpa_gui 2012/05/30 Bump to 1.0, support new libnl-3 2012/06/05 Updated wpa_gui init script to avoid multiple instances of udhcpc Current: 2013/04/14 Bump to 2.0