Title: sylpheed-locale.tcz Description: e-mail client locale files Version: 3.1.2 Author: Various Original-site: http://sylpheed.sraoss.jp/en Copying-policy: GPL Size: 1.5M Extension_by: Curaga, jls_legalize (unsenepopiu at tin dot it) Tags: e-mail client locale Comments: locale files This extension is PPI compatible Change-log: 2009/01/17 Original 2.6 2010/03/25 Updated to 3.0.1 2010/04/02 Update to 3.0.2 2010/02/18 updated to 3.0.3 2011/01/31 Update to 3.1.0 2011/05/10 Update to version 3.1.1 Current: 2011/10/26 Updated to 3.1.2