Title: submitqc4.tcz Description: Extension audit tool for the TC 4.x repo Version: 4.x Author: Jason W Original-site: www.tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 8.0K Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Extension audit tool TC 4.x repo Comments: This is used to audit extensions before submission. Just open a terminal in the same directory as the extensions you are wanting to check and this tool will tell you of any issues with the structure of the extensions being checked. "submitqc4" is the command to run. Some specific uses are listed below if the entire audit is not needed: # To check dep files only: submitqc4 checkdep # To check info files only: submitqc4 checkinfo # To check for maintainership only: submitqc4 checkmaintainer ---- Results are echoed to the terminal in progress but to see the specific results of each check performed, look in the /tmp/submitqc directory to see the results of checks that are in question ---- Change-log: ---- 2010/12/06 First version as extension. 2011/09/17 Renamed to submitqc4.tcz for simplicity. 2012/02/12 Updated, removed dir perm check, .desktop file check, simplified dependency check. Current: 2013/01/26 Fixed dep file checking bugs (Thanks Rich)