Title: php5-pear.tcz Description: PHP Pear with cgi/fcgi Version: 5.3.8 Author: various (http://www.php.net/credits.php) Original-site: http://www.php.net/ Copying-policy: PHP Liscense v3.01 (http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt) Size: 508K Extension_by: robc Tags: PHP Pear cgi fcgi Comments: Other extensions may be needed for additional functionality. ie libmhash or pcre PEAR: PHP Extension and Application Repository A framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://www.php.net/ for more information. ---------------------------------------------- Change-log: 2009/05/20 Original 2009/06/02 Rebuilt for TC2.x and with pcre support 2009/07/06 Updated to version 5.3.0, included mcrypt support 2009/07/08 Rebuilt without Apache module and with cgi/fcgi, mhash, and openssl 2009/10/09 Replaced user.tar.gz 2009/11/20 Updated to v5.3.1, added support for gd, gdbm, db4, mysql, gettext, gmp, dropped apache2 module 2010/10/07 Updated to v5.3.3, added support for sockets. 2010/11/23 Rebuilt against bsddb 5.1 2011/04/19 Updated to 5.3.6, switched to external gd, added support for recode and zlib 2011/11/27 Updated to 5.3.8 Current: 2011/11/27 Updated to 5.3.8