Title: pcmanfm-mod-locale.tcz Description: Ectremely fast, lightweight yet feature rich file manager Version: 1.2.4 Author: Hon Jen Yee (PCMan) and many contributors Original-site: http://igurublog.wordpress.com/downloads/mod-pcmanfm/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 492K Extension_by: bmarkus Tags: Ectremely fast lightweight file manager Comments: It is a fork of legacy PCManFM 0.5.2 with new fetaures, like drag and drop, user defined commands, etc. See homepage above for details ---- Language files ---- HAL disabled ---- Compiled for TC 4.x ---- PPI compatible Change-log: 2011/10/10 First version, 1.2.3 Current: 2012/03/07 Updated to 1.2.4