Title: nmap.tcz Description: nmap - World famous port scanner Version: 6.01 Author: Gordon Lyon Original-site: http://nmap.org Copying-policy: GPL (see /usr/local/share/doc/License/nmap-copying.txt) Size: 2.7M Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: network port scanner OS detection Comments: Hints: 1. For simple cmdline port scanning, just use nmap.tcz 2. For detection scripting (NSE, LUA), install nmap-scripts.tcz additionally. 3. A GUI can be found in zenmap.tcz. --- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2009/04/21 Initial version 4.85BETA6 2010/02/28 Bump to 5.21 Current: 2012/09/17 Bump to 6.01, recompiled against TC 4.x