Title: mpc.tcz Description: Commandline client for mpd (Music Player Daemon) (TESTING) Version: 0.21 Author: Max Kellerman and Waren Dukes, Eric Wong, Avuton Olrich. Original-site: http://sourcefourge.net/projects/musicpd/files/mpc Copying-policy: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt Size: 20K Extension_by: H.Lunke Tags: Commandline client mpd Music Player Daemon Comments: Default host and port is: localhost:6600. No host password set. Binaries only. Compiled for TC 4.x PPI Compatible. Change-log: 2010/08/15 First Version by b1ackmai1er 2010/10/24 V0.19 by jls_legalize removed wrong dirs /usr_1 /usr_2 /usr_3 removed docs Current: 2012/02/01 V0.21 by H.Lunke