Title: midori.tcz Description: Midori is a lightweight web browser based on WebKit/GTK+. Version: 0.4.6 Author: Christian Dywan Original-site: http://www.twotoasts.de/index.php?/pages/midori_summary.html Copying-policy: GPL Size: 556K Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: Lightweight Web Browser Webkit/GTK+ Comments: Optional dependencies: any gtk icon theme, vala, desktop-file-utils and xdg-utils for freedesktops. Xorg might be needed to run Midori. Change-log: 2010/05/30 Original 0.2.6 2010/08/25 Updated to 0.2.7 2010/09/29 Updated to 0.2.8 2010/11/01 Updated to 0.2.9 2011/01/31 Updated to 0.3.0 2011/02/20 Updated to 0.3.2 2011/03/14 Updated to 0.3.3 2011/05/08 Updated to 0.3.5 2011/05/23 Updated to 0.3.6 2011/08/07 Updated to 0.4.0 2011/10/11 Updated to 0.4.1 2011/11/11 Updated to 0.4.2 Current: 2012/05/26 Updated to 0.4.6