Title: mailx.tcz Description: mailx - extended mail tools (formerly known as nail) Version: cvs Author: Various (see /usr/local/share/doc/License/mailx-authors.txt) Original-site: http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/mailx.html Copying-policy: GPL (see /usr/local/share/doc/License/mailx-copying.txt) Size: 196.0K Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: send mail shell nail mailx network Comments: mailx needs sendmail as a MTA, so you will have to install addtionally _ONE_ of those extensions: 1. msmtp 2. postfix After installing your favourite MTA you can script mails with a command like this (e.g. googlemail account): $ mailx -n -v -r yourmail@gmail.com \ -s 'Test-Mail' \ -S smtp-use-starttls \ -S ssl-verify=ignore \ -S smtp-auth-user=yourmail@gmail.com \ -S smtp-auth-password=yourpassword \ -S smtp=smtp.gmail.com \ -a /home/tc/attachment.zip \ recipient@example.com \ < /home/tc/message.txt --- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2012/05/18 Initial version from CVS 2012/05/20 Removed postfix as dep. Current: 2012/06/01 Removed libiconv as dep, use libc iconv