Title: lighttpd.tcz Description: Light and fast HTTP server Version: 1.4.28 Author: Jan Kneschke Original-site: http://www.lighttpd.net/ Copying-policy: BSD Size: 436K Extension_by: Daniel Barnes Tags: Light fast HTTP server Comments: Example chroot script: HTTPD=/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd HTTPD_ROOT=/www HTTPD_CONF=$HTTPD_ROOT/lighttpd.conf cat << EOF > $HTTPD_CONF server.document-root = "/htdocs" server.port = 80 server.username = "nobody" server.groupname = "nogroup" server.chroot = "$HTTPD_ROOT" EOF exec $HTTPD -D -f $HTTPD_CONF Change-log: 2009/07/02 - Initial release 2010/02/26 - Update to 1.4.26 and enable ALL Plugins/Features 2010/10/19 - Update to 1.4.28 Current: 2011/05/17 - Split large dependencies into separate extensions