Title: lcdproc-server.tcz Description: Multi-platform LCD display driver (TESTING) Version: 0.5.4 (stable) Author: William W. Ferrell, Selene Scriven and many other contributors. Original-site: http://lcdproc.org Copying-policy: GPL Size: 104K Extension_by: fazzah Tags: Multi-platform LCD display driver Comments: lcdproc server (LCDd). Install lcdproc-clients.tcz for clients. "curses" and "hd44780" drivers only (all connection modes). Contact me to add drivers for other displays. Stripped of man-pages. Documentation available at http://lcdproc.sourceforge.net/docs/lcdproc-0-5-4-user.html Source available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcdproc/files/lcdproc/0.5.4/lcdproc-0.5.4.tar.gz/download Change-log: 11/08/11 Initial build Current: 11/08/11 Initial build