Title: kangee.tcz Description: Java personal on-demand fileserv Version: 0.14 Author: Leonhard Nobach Original-site: http://getkangee.com/ Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 1.3M Extension_by: vinnie Tags: Java personal on-demand fileserv Comments: ---------------------------------------------- You need Java. Tested with sun-jre.tcz Kangee is an easy-to-use personal on-demand fileserver, enabling you to exchange files with your friends. Your communication partner only needs a browser to download or upload files to you. Unlike one-click hosting services, Kangee will not store files on any remote machine, instead, you will become your own one-click hoster. For Kangee, a type of Internet access is needed that supports incoming connections, like many ADSL/Cable providers do. However, often mobile 3G internet access providers do not support this feature yet. ---------------------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: First version Current: 2011/08/24 First Release