Title: gnome-games.tcz Description: A collection of sixteen small five-minute games. Version: 2.32.1 Author: various Original-site: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGames/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 25M Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: collection sixteen small five-minute games. Comments: To complete installation please do the following: 1-) sudo update-gconf-database register-extension gnome-games 2-) echo usr/local/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults >> /opt/.filetool.lst Optional dependency: gnome-games-extra-data This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2010/03/22 Original 2.28.2 2010/08/14 Updated to 2.30.2 Current: 2011/02/04 Updated to 2.32.1