Title: ghostscript.tcz Description: ghostscript Version: 9.07 Author: see AUTHORS Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript Copying-policy: see LICENSE and COPYING Size: 8.1M Extension_by: aus9 Tags: ghostscript printing PDF ps postscript Comments: Use input of PostScript(ps) or PDF and convert to something. The main command is gs and for some info try $ gs -h eg $ gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=foo.jpg foo.ps Can be used for pdf-> ps or the reverse. ** for Upgraders ** ghostscript-common is now a dep Be aware output to non-laser printers may be affected by inkjet dot size. You may wish to read up on dithering. Can be used to view various file formats including pdf eg if *-doc is loaded, $ gs /usr/local/share/doc/ghostscript/GS9_Color_Management.pdf running gs also causes it to change prompt to gs>..... like grub #### REMEMBER $ quit or < control and c keys > will exit the shell Possible encryption bypass http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Adobe/Gallery/Keating/ Change-log: 2009/11/01 first version 2010/07/16 updated 8.70 -> 8.71, changed name gs -> ghostscript 2011/02/17 updated 8.71 -> 9.00 2011/12/09 updated 9.00 -> 9.04 2011/12/28 updated 9.04 -> git (to cure printing colour in greyscale) (Juanito) Current: 2013/03/16 updated 9.07 (aus9)