Title: freetds.tcz Description: freetds Set of libraries for Unix and Linux that allows your programs to natively talk to MSSQL and Sybase databases Version: 0.91 Author: Brian Bruns Original-site: http://www.freetds.org Copying-policy: LGPL Size: 4.0M Extension_by: KHarvey Tags: MSSQL Sybase connection tools libraries Comments: This extension is used to allow communication with Microsft SQL and or Sybase databases. After installation run: tsql -C Note down the locaiton of the freetds.conf file as you may have to edit this file so that you can connected to your MSSQL database. Pay attention to the TDS version. Use the following command to test connection: tsql -H ServerName -p 1433 -U sa ---- Compiled for TC 4.x ---- PPI Compatible Change-log: 2012/04/17 First version, 0.91 2012/04/17 Short change description Current: 2012/04/17 Current short change description