Title: fltk_projects_unicode.tcz Description: Tiny Core system utility port to fltk 1.3 (TESTING) Version: 3.4 Author: Tiny Core developper team Original-site: http://www.tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPL Size: 136K Extension_by: Syun Tags: Tiny Core system utility port fltk 1.3 Comments: This extension replaces folowing system applications. (appbrowser appsaudit cpanel datetool editor exittc fdtool filetool flrun mnttool mousetool network popask popup services stats swapfile wallpaper wbarconf) Unicode versions of these can display multibyte string. CUSTOMIZATION: You can use your favorite font by editing following file. ~/.fltk/Tiny Core UTF-8 porting team/fltk_projects_unicode.prefs e.g.) If you use xfonts-unifont.tcz, run next command to replace your configulation file. cp -f /usr/local/share/fltk_projects_unicode/fltk_projects_unicode.prefs.unifont \ ~/.fltk/Tiny Core UTF-8 porting team/fltk_projects_unicode.prefs Font must be a standard X11 format. You can't use truetype font. NOTE: This extension depends on the version of the tinycore. Change-log: 2010/12/19 First version Current: 2010/12/19 First version