Title: fcitx-4.1.2-base Description: Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support. Version: 4.1.2 Author: Yuking, CSSlayer, yunfan Original-site: http://code.google.com/p/fcitx/ Copying-policy: GNU GPL v2 Size: 2.9M Extension_by: aswjh Tags: Fcitx input method framework extension support. Comments: Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support. 1).Requires locale.You need locale-col-zh.tcz,or get getlocale.tcz to make. 2).Requires font.You can place the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/; 3).LANG,LC_CTYPE must be set. eg:You can add the command line to ~/.xsession, export LANG=zh_CN.gb18030;export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.gb18030; fcitx-4.1.2-base.tcz:base files,pinyin,sp; fcitx-4.1.2-table.tcz:cj,db,erbi,qxm,wanfeng,wbpy,wbx,zrm; fcitx-4.1.2-doc.tcz:doc,man; fcitx-4.1.2-dev.tcz:development files; Change-log: 2012/01/04 fcitx 4.1.2 Current: 2012/01/04 fcitx 4.1.2