Title: euclid-wm-doc.tcz Description: minimal tiling window manager Version: svn from 2012-02-17 Author: William Diem Original-site: http://euclid-wm.sourceforge.net/index.php Copying-policy: BSD 2-Clause Size: 8.0K Extension_by: solorin Tags: minimal tiling window manager Comments: default configuration files and man page for euclid-wm.tcz copy to euclid-wm.conf and euclidrc into ~/.config/euclid-wm this wm is keyboard-driven so some sensible default keybindings have been given for apps found in a fresh _tinycore_ install, edit euclid-wm.conf to suit. alt-shift-Enter xterm(terminal) alt-shift-Delete exittc(shutdown dialog) alt-E editor alt-R appbrowser(repository) alt-S flrun(start) alt-A appsaudit alt-X cpanel(xtrlpanel) read manual page or conf file for more default keybindings Change-log: 2/17/12 Initial release Current: 2/17/12 Initial release