Title: dwb.tcz Description: dwb is a webkit based keyboard driven browser Version: 20130514 Author: portix Original-site: http://portix.bitbucket.org/dwb Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 732K Extension_by: yoshi314 Tags: dwb webkit browser Comments: dwb is a webkit-based, keyboard-driven browser. It can support user scripts and has an built-in advertisement blocker feature. For more information on additional features, refer to /usr/local/doc/dwb/readme file. Note: if you are getting "SSL Handshake failed" messages on https websites, edit the file ~/.config/dwb/settings and add/alter the following line ssl-use-system-ca-file=false Alternatively, you change this option from config menu available after typing in "Ss" command in dwb, or by going to "dwb:settings" address. ---- Compiled for TC 4.x ---- PPI Compatible Change-log: 2012/12/13 First build Current: 2012/12/13 First build