Title: compiz-boxmenu.tcz Description: A desktop menu for compiz, forked from compiz-deskmenu. Version: 1.1.1 Author: --- Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/compizboxmenu/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 84K Extension_by: Arslan S. Tags: compiz desktop menu Comments: A default menu is provided within this extension. Edit it to your needs by using compiz-boxmenu-editor or by editing the menu file: ~/.config/compiz/boxmenu/menu.xml To start boxmenu you need to run command compiz-boxmenu To do this run ccsm, enable commands plugin, add the command and bind it to i.e. a or Button2 (number may vary depending on your mouse) You have to setup compiz-base to use this extension. Change-log: --- Current: 2012/05/27 First Version