Title: araneum-0.8.2.tcz Description: Araneum HTTP Server Version: 0.8.2 Author: Koppin22 Media DA Original-site: http://araneum.koppin22.com/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 144K Extension_by: Philipe Rubio Tags: Araneum HTTP Server Comments: Araneum is a small, high-performance webserver, this extension has been compiled with SSL disabled. So there are no dependencies. Compiled with the following flags. -Os -march=i468 -mtune=i686 -pipe Man pages and source has been removed from this package, to keep it as small as possible, source code and documentation is available at http://araneum.koppin22.com The home page directory is at: /usr/local/var/www The configuration file is at: /usr/local/etc/araneum/httpd.conf Start with "sudo araneum" or "araneum -h" for help. Change-log: --------- Current: 2011/03/14 First version.