Title: aprx.tcz Description: aprx (TESTING) Version: 2.07svn539 Author: Matti Aarnio, OH2MQK Original-site: http://wiki.ham.fi/Aprx.en Copying-policy: http://ham.zmailer.org/oh2mqk/aprx/LICENSE Size: 84K Extension_by: Robert Garcia, N5QM Tags: amateur ham radio aprs digipeater igate txigate Comments: Ham Radio APRS iGate, TX iGate, and Digipeater Daemon ---- Configuration ---- A sample configuration file is included as aprx.conf.sample in the /usr/local/etc/ directory. Modify and save it as /usr/local/etc/aprx.conf before running the daemon. If you wish the configuration to be persistent, please add the file to /opt/.filetool.lst ---- Control ---- Use /usr/local/etc/init.d/aprx to stop/start/restart. Change-log: 2013/06/2 Current: 2013/06/26 - Initial release