Title: perl_XML-NamespaceSupport.tcz Description: simple generic namespace processor Version: 1.12 Author: Robin Berjon Original-site: https://metacpan.org/pod/XML::NamespaceSupport Copying-policy: See Original-site Size: 16K Extension_by: rhermsen Tags: perl xml namespacesupport Comments: XML::NamespaceSupport This module offers a simple way to process namespaced XML names (unames) from within any application that may need them. It also helps maintain a prefix to namespace URI map, and provides a number of basic checks. The model for this module is SAX2's NamespaceSupport class, readable at http://www.saxproject.org/namespaces.html It adds a few perlisations where we thought it appropriate, and supports the Namespaces in XML 1.1 specification. Change-log: 2018/01/11 First Version, 1.12 2018/04/07 recompiled on tc-9.x, 1.12 2019/02/02 recompiled on tc-10.x, 1.12 2022/03/22 recompiled with Perl-5.32.0 on tc-13.x, 1.12 Current: 2022/03/22 recompiled with Perl-5.32.0 on tc-13.x, 1.12