Title: telepathy-mission-control.tcz Description: telepathy account manager Version: 15.16.6 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 160KB Extension_by: juanito Tags: telepathy account manager Comments: account manager and channel dispatcher for the telepathy framework, allowing user interfaces and other clients to share connections to real-time communication services without conflicting ---------- This extension contains: telepathy-mission-control-5.16.6 - lGPLv2.1 - https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-mission-control/telepathy-mission-control-5.16.6.tar.gz ---------- Change-log: 2014/06/10 first version 2015/07/09 updated 15.16.1 -> 15.16.3 Current: 2021/02/09 updated 15.16.3 -> 15.16.6