#!/bin/sh tc=$(grep CPE_NAME /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | sed "s#CPE_NAME=##g;s#\"##g;s#cpe:/o:tinycore:tinycore_linux:##g;s#\..*#.x#g;"); test ${tc//.*} -ge 12 || exit; arch=x86; test "$(uname -m 2>/dev/null)" == "x86_64" && arch=x86_64; current=$(date +%Y/%m/%d); version=0.7.3; tce-load -wi cmake compiletc squashfs-tools submitqc fuse-dev ruby-dev mbedtls-dev; wget -O /tmp/dislocker-$version.tar.gz https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker/archive/refs/tags/v$version.tar.gz; sudo rm -rf /tmp/dislocker-$version; tar -C /tmp -xzf /tmp/dislocker-$version.tar.gz; cd /tmp/dislocker-$version; export CFLAGS=; export CXXFLAGS=; export LDFLAGS=; cmake .; mkdir build; make DESTDIR=build install; mkdir build/usr/local/tce.installed; cat<build/usr/local/tce.installed/dislocker; #!/bin/sh test -f /usr/local/lib/libruby.so.2.5 || sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libruby.so /usr/local/lib/libruby.so.2.5; EOF chmod 755 build/usr/local/tce.installed/dislocker; for i in bin lib; do ( cd build/usr/local/$i && { for o in --strip-all --strip-unneeded --strip-debug -g; do sudo strip $o *; done; }; ); done; mkdir summary; mksquashfs build summary/dislocker.tcz; cd summary; for i in dislocker*.tcz; do md5sum $i > $i.md5.txt; unsquashfs -l $i > $i.list; done; { for i in fuse ruby ntfs-3g mbedtls-lib; do echo $i.tcz; done } > dislocker.tcz.dep; cat<dislocker.tcz.info; Title: dislocker.tcz Description: read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes Version: $version Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: $(du -h dislocker.tcz | cut -f 1) Extension_by: hurzli Tags: encrypt decrypt Comments: Dislocker has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions under a Linux system. The FUSE driver is able to read/write partitions which were encrypted running Windows Vista up to 10 or BitLocker-To-Go. ---- This extension contains: dislocker-$version - GPLv2 - https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker/archive/refs/tags/v$version.tar.gz ---- Compiled running TC $tc $arch Change-log: ---- Current: $current First version, $version EOF