Title: opencv.tcz Description: real-time computer vision Version: 3.4.0 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 38MB Extension_by: juanito Tags: rt realtime vision machine learning Comments: open source computer vision and machine learning software library ---------- should dynamically load libOpenCL if present can optionally use the python3.6-numpy extension ---------- This extension contains: opencv-3.4.0 - BSD - https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/3.4.0.tar.gz ---------- Change-log: 2016/12/14 first version 2017/09/22 updated 3.1.0 -> 3.3.0 2018/02/01 updated 3.3.0 -> 3.4.0 Current: 2020/03/02 recompiled for ffmpeg4, libva2