Title: kodi.tcz Description: digital media hub Version: 18.9-Leia Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 29.1MB Extension_by: juanito Tags: xbmc kodi av audio video hub Comments: software media player and entertainment hub for digital media ---------- tested with Xorg-7.7-3d hardware acceleration and pulseaudio locale probably needs to be set (eg "en_US.UTF-8") ---------- This extension contains: xbmc-18.9-Leia - GPLv2 - https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/archive/18.9-Leia.tar.gz ---------- Change-log: 2016/12/11 first version 2017/07/13 updated 16.1-Jarvis -> 17.3-Krypton 2019/05/17 updated 17.3-Krypton -> 18.2-Leia Current: 2021/07/16 updated 18.2-Leia -> 18.9-Leia