Title: geany.tcz Description: ide text editor Version: 1.37 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 1.5M Extension_by: juanito Tags: text editor ide gtk+ gtk3 Comments: text editor with basic features of an integrated development environment ---------- This extension contains: geany-1.37 - GPLv2 - http://download.geany.org/geany-1.37.tar.gz ---------- Notes on terminal support: - to be able to launch terminals from within geany you need to install vte.tcz - Edit > Preferences > Terminal > check "Execute programs in the VTE" to use message window's built-in terminal or leave unchecked to use external terminal - if using external terminal, you may need to adjust two more settings: 1. Build > Set Build Commands > next to Execute, type (for example): "./%e" 2. Edit > Preferences > Tools > next to Terminal, type (for example): urxvt -e /bin/sh %c ---------- Change-log: 2015/06/26 first version 2020/04/03 version bump 1.24.1 -> 1.36 (gnuser) Current: 2021/01/16 updated 1.36 -> 1.37