Title: firejail.tcz Description: linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox Version: 0.9.62 Author: firejail community Original-site: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail and https://firejail.wordpress.com/ Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 512K Extension-by: gnuser Tags: sandbox security Comments: ---------- - firefox.profile and chromium-browser.profile are tested and working in TCL 11.x - usage examples: $ firejail firefox $ firejail chromium-browser - sound in sandboxed chromium-browser worked for me out of the box - sound in sandboxed firefox may require commenting-out this line in /usr/local/etc/firejail/firefox-common.profile: seccomp !chroot - profiles other than the two above are untested and will likely need adjustments (see this thread: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23557.0.html) ---------- Change-log: ---------- Current: 2020/02/26 first version for tc-11.x