Title: Xprogs.tcz Description: Xprogs from tinycore Version: 6.0 Author: various Original-site: Copying-policy: OpenSource Size: 136KB Extension_by: roberts Tags: Xprogs tinycore fltk Comments: This is the Xprogs from tinycore Change-log: ---- 2013/10/20 adapted for x86_64 (juanito) 2013/11/02 updated flrun (juanito) 2014/11/05 updated for tc-6.x (juanito) 2014/11/28 updated mirrorpicker, sstripped binaries (juanito) 2015/02/02 updated apps gui search (juanito) 2018/03/11 refactored with Xlibs (juanito) 2018/05/23 adjusted desktop files (juanito) Current: 2019/02/13 updated exittc (juanito)