Title: R-data.tcz Description: R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics Version: 4.0.5 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: https://www.r-project.org/ Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 8.5M Extension_by: polikuo Tags: MATH statistical computing scientific calculator data document Comments: Data files and documents for R By default, a copy of /usr/local/lib/R/doc/html/packages.html is created in the filesystem. (RAM) This file keep tracks of the packages you installed globally. If you install a package as root, this file should be added into your /opt/.filetool.lst (backup). Alternatively, you chould make a tcz extension with a startup script that would patch the differences. ---------- This extension contains: R-4.0.5.tar.xz - https://fossies.org/linux/misc/R-4.0.5.tar.xz ---------- Change-log: 2021/04/17 First version Current: 2021/04/17 First version